*** icedtea-web 1.6 *** NAME itweb-settings - view and modify settings for javaws and the browser plugin SYNOPSIS itweb-settings itweb-settings command arguments DESCRIPTION itweb-settings is a command line and a GUI program to modify and edit settings used by the IcedTea-Web implementation of javaws and the browser plugin. If executed without any arguments, it starts up a GUI. Otherwise, it tries to do what is specified in the argument. The command-line allows quickly searching, making a copy of and modifying specific settings without having to hunt through a UI. DESCRIPTION -check name - Checks that all the current settings have valid values.(No argument expected) -get name - Shows the value of the specified settings.(Expected one or more arguments) -headless - Disables download window, other UIs.(No argument expected) -help - Prints out information about supported command and basic usage. Can also take an parameter, and then it prints detailed help for this command.(No argument expected) -info name - Shows additional information about the named settings. Includes a description, the current value, the possible values, and the source of the setting.(Expected one or more arguments) -list - Shows a list of all the IcedTea-Web settings and their current values.(No argument expected) -reset name - Resets the specified settings to their original value.(Expected one or more arguments) -reset all - Resets all settings to their original values.(No argument expected) -set name value - Sets the settings to the new value specified, if it is an appropriate value.(Expected even number of arguments with param=value as valid argument) -verbose - Enable verbose output.(No argument expected) EXAMPLES itweb-settings - Show the GUI editor itweb-settings -reset deployment.proxy.type - Resets the value of `deployment.proxy.type` setting. Known properties (key and default value): deployment.browser.path - null (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.cache.jarcompression - 0 (Possible: are in range 0 to 10 (inclusive)) deployment.cache.max.size - -1 (Possible: are in range -1 to 2,147,483,647 (inclusive)) deployment.console.startup.mode - HIDE (Possible: [DISABLE, HIDE, SHOW, SHOW_PLUGIN_ONLY, SHOW_JAVAWS_ONLY]) deployment.javapi.cache.enabled - false (Possible: are true or false) deployment.javaws.associations - 2 (Possible: are in range 0 to 3 (inclusive)) deployment.javaws.autodownload - false (Possible: are true or false) deployment.javaws.installURL - null (Possible: include any valid url (eg. http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/)) deployment.javaws.shortcut - ASK_IF_HINTED (Possible: [ALWAYS, ALWAYS_IF_HINTED, ASK_USER, ASK_IF_HINTED, NEVER]) deployment.javaws.update.timeout - 500 (Possible: are in range 0 to 10,000 (inclusive)) deployment.jnlpclassloader.strict - true (Possible: are true or false) deployment.jre.dir - null deployment.log - false (Possible: are true or false) deployment.log.file - false (Possible: are true or false) deployment.log.headers - false (Possible: are true or false) deployment.log.stdstreams - true (Possible: are true or false) deployment.log.system - true (Possible: are true or false) deployment.manifest.attributes.check - ALL (Possible: (Values that can be used alone only): [ALL, NONE] (Values that can be used in combination separated by the delimiter "," with no space expected ): [ALAC, CODEBASE, ENTRYPOINT, PERMISSIONS, TRUSTED]) deployment.plugin.jvm.arguments - null deployment.proxy.auto.config.url - null (Possible: include any valid url (eg. http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/)) deployment.proxy.bypass.list - null deployment.proxy.bypass.local - null deployment.proxy.ftp.host - null deployment.proxy.ftp.port - null deployment.proxy.http.host - null deployment.proxy.http.port - null deployment.proxy.https.host - null deployment.proxy.https.port - null deployment.proxy.override.hosts - null deployment.proxy.same - false (Possible: are true or false) deployment.proxy.socks.host - null deployment.proxy.socks.port - null deployment.proxy.type - 3 (Possible: are in range -1 to 3 (inclusive)) deployment.security.askgrantdialog.notinca - true (Possible: are true or false) deployment.security.askgrantdialog.show - true (Possible: are true or false) deployment.security.expired.warning - true (Possible: are true or false) deployment.security.jsse.hostmismatch.warning - true (Possible: are true or false) deployment.security.level - null (Possible: DENY_ALL DENY_UNSIGNED ASK_UNSIGNED ALLOW_UNSIGNED) deployment.security.notinca.warning - true (Possible: are true or false) deployment.security.sandbox.awtwarningwindow - true (Possible: are true or false) deployment.security.sandbox.jnlp.enhanced - true (Possible: are true or false) deployment.security.trusted.policy - null (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.system.cachedir - null (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.system.security.cacerts - $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.system.security.jssecacerts - $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/jssecacerts (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.system.security.policy - null (Possible: include any valid url (eg. http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/)) deployment.system.security.trusted.certs - $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/trusted.certs (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.system.security.trusted.clientautcerts - $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/trusted.clientcerts (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.system.security.trusted.jssecerts - $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/trusted.jssecerts (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.user.cachedir - $XDG_CACHE_HOME/icedtea-web/cache (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.user.locksdir - $TMP/$USER/netx/locks (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.user.logdir - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/log (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.user.pcachedir - $XDG_CACHE_HOME/icedtea-web/pcache (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.user.runningfile - $TMP/$USER/netx/locks/netx_running (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.user.security.policy - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/security/java.policy (Possible: include any valid url (eg. http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/)) deployment.user.security.trusted.cacerts - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/security/trusted.cacerts (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.user.security.trusted.certs - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/security/trusted.certs (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.user.security.trusted.clientauthcerts - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/security/trusted.clientcerts (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.user.security.trusted.jssecacerts - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/security/trusted.jssecacerts (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.user.security.trusted.jssecerts - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/security/trusted.jssecerts (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) deployment.user.tmp - $XDG_CACHE_HOME/icedtea-web/tmp (Possible: include an absolute path to a file or directory) FILES $JAVA_HOME/lib/deployment.config - java-global deployment properties file. May be affected by deployment.jre.dir. $XDG_CACHE_HOME/icedtea-web/cache - Contains cached runtime entries. Controlled by deployment.user.cachedir $XDG_CACHE_HOME/icedtea-web/cache/recently_used - Additional information about items in cache $XDG_CACHE_HOME/icedtea-web/pcache - Contains saved application data. Controlled by deployment.user.pcachedir $XDG_CACHE_HOME/icedtea-web/tmp - Contains temporary runtime files. Controlled by deployment.user.tmp $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/.appletTrustSettings - File responsible for various actions on applets and apps based on their codebase based on users actions. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/deployment.properties - Users main deployment properties file. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/generated_jnlps - Location where jnlp files generated from html pages for javaws applications desktop/menu launchers icons are stored $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/icons - Location where icons of javaws applications desktop/menu launchers icons are stored $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icedtea-web/log - contains file-log files (if enabled), itw-cplugin-date_time.log for native part of plugin, itw-javantx-date_time.log for everything else. Controlled by deployment.user.logdir $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/javaws - Subdirectory in users menus space, for placing custom menu shortcuts. /etc/.java/deployment/.appletTrustSettings - File responsible for various actions on applets and apps based on their codebase based on admins actions. /etc/.java/deployment/deployment.config - Global deployment config file. Where $XDG_CONFIG_DIR, $XDG_CACHE_DIR and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR are set as ~/.config, ~/.cache and /tmp or /var/tmp if not set. BUGS There aren't any known bugs. If you come across one, please file it at: http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web#Filing_bugs http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla Please run in debug (-verbose switch or itw-settings setting or ICEDTEAPLUGIN_DEBUG variable set to true) mode and include that output (best is from java console) with URL to jnlp or html file (or the jnlp/html file or application itself) when filing out the bug report. AUTHOR Please run in debug (-verbose switch or itw-settings setting or ICEDTEAPLUGIN_DEBUG variable set to true) mode and include that output (best is from java console) with URL to jnlp or html file (or the jnlp/html file or application itself) when filing out the bug report. SEE ALSO * icedtea-web * javaws * icedtea-web-plugin * itweb-settings * policyeditor * policytool * java http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/icedtea-web